How sure are you of the quality of your preferred fencing material? Let’s weigh your options and see the difference in each item we have on the plate.
Here are 3 of the top picks of contractors and homeowners regarding fencing: wood, aluminum, and PVC vinyl fences. Let’s try comparing them and see what works best for landscaping needs.

Photo of Wood Fencing Here
Wood fences are the classic ones you can find in big box stores. If not the oldest, this probably is the most used material before the technologically-advanced ones came. You probably might have one on your lawn right now, as most homeowners used this type before switching to our fences. However, wood does not jive well with time and weather as it naturally losses its quality over time through rot formation, and worst, decay. This type of fence is high maintenance as it requires annual repainting, revarnishing, and restaining.

Photo of Aluminum Fences Here
You might come across Aluminum fences while browsing the net, doing your research for the best fencing material for your home. You find this somehow an “ideal” one because it appears like wrought iron, and its durability is like steel but w-wait! Go back to your purpose. If privacy and security are one of them, then think twice. While this material is aesthetically-pleasing too, and maintenance is minimal, it does create much covering. We don’t want passersby and people from the outside checking out of us now and then.

Photo of PVC Vinyl Fences Here
Our team has come up with a PVC Vinyl Fences with ticks your checklist on durability, resistance, and quality. Made with 100% virgin vinyl, it is surely one of the most sought-after materials for fencing. It is resistant to all weather conditions, easy to maintain, and can last a lifetime with proper care. You care read more about how amazing Duramax PVC Vinyl Fences are in this link. You may also download our brochure here to choose your desired style.
We provide sample products and quotations for FREE! You may also reach out to us via our Live Chat Agents thru our website or call 323-861-3606. Our friendly staff is willing to assist you with your fencing needs right now!