Why Vinyl Fence Slats The Ideal Fencing Material For Hot Summer?

vinyl fence manufacturer

While summertime allows property owners to enjoy their backyards and outdoors, the same summer weather can ruin and wreak havoc on your fencing due to extreme heat, bugs, and humidity. Repairing and replacing fences often involves a heavy investment in time and money. Not all fencing materials are well suited for the summer season as they vary in durability and resistance. Vinyl fence slats are one of the ideal fencing materials for the summer season, as they are resistant to pests and heat.

The popularity of vinyl fences has been rapidly increasing among property owners due to the numerous advantages they provide all year round. From offering exceptional durability to requiring minimal maintenance and their resistance to wear and tear, vinyl fences are an ideal choice for property owners. These fences are highly resistant to heat and UV radiation, which helps them retain their color and shape even in high temperatures. Many vinyl fence manufacturers in the United States offer high-quality vinyl fences, and Duramax is one of the trusted manufacturers. In this blog, we will highlight the reasons that make vinyl fences an ideal choice for the hot summer season. Read on to know more.

Reasons That Make Vinyl Fences an Ideal Choice


Vinyl is Moisture Resistant

Humidity frequently rises in the summer season. For humans, it means stickiness, sweat, and air conditioning. However, humidity can have two consequences for building materials and fences: increased weathering and moisture retention. Moisture retention can occur when porous materials like wood absorb moisture from the air. This can cause the material to expand, resulting in a change in shape. Moisture also works as a catalyst in breaking down organic materials like wood and speeds up the process of rotting, discoloration, and breakdown.

Increased weathering accelerates rust for metal fencing, especially iron. Rust is the process of oxidation by which oxygen reacts with metal atoms, causing discoloration and flaking. Moistures trigger this reaction, meaning high humidity can cause more rust.

Vinyl fence slats are less porous than wooden fences and do not contain any elements that can cause rust. They are also the strongest-performing material in highly humid regions. Due to extreme summer heat and humidity, vinyl does not discolor or disfigure.

Vinyl Fences Are Resistant to Pests

Summer is the season when pests thrive. The humidity and heat attract swarms of hungry termites, carpenter ants, and mosquitos. Few of these insects feed on fencing material like wood. Wood fencing is the favorite snack of termites, carpenter ants, bees, beetles, and wasps. Carpenter ants use wooden fences to build their nests, whereas beetles can drill holes into wood and scatter sawdust in their paths. Increased humidity attracts these insects and makes wood vulnerable to such pests.

Vinyl fencing is impenetrable to insects. Its low porosity, which helps defend it from moisture, also keeps pests from making their home inside the fences. The strength of vinyl fences makes it difficult for pests to use the material to build their nests. As a vinyl fence owner, you can relax as termites, carpenter ants, and beetles crawl and swarm during the summertime.

Vinyl Fences Do Not Fade or Warp

Exposure to UV rays and heat can alter the shape or discolor many fences. Wood warping can happen when fences are exposed to moisture and heat, resulting in uneven expansion and drying of wood fibers. More moisture and heat means more expansion, while less can cause shrinkage. These changes can lead to warping and deformation of the fences. Intense sunlight can cause a breakdown of the color of the fences over time, whether painted, stained or natural wood itself. This can lead to fading, making the fences look weathered, which requires restaining or repainting. These repainting and restaining projects can cost time and money, and once the process is completed, the fading process begins again.

Vinyl fencing is resistant to fading and warping. Due to its exceptional strength and durability, it retains its shape and rebuffs shrinkage and expansion. Vinyl fences do not require painting or staining, as the coloring happens during the creation process and is blended into the material itself.

Final Words

If you are looking for a fencing material ideal for the summer season, then opt for vinyl fence slats from Duramax. Duramax is one of the trusted vinyl fence manufacturers in the United States. We offer high-quality, 100% virgin vinyl fences with exceptional strength and durability. To know more about Duramax, request a free consultation today.


Some Fun Facts You Should Know About Vinyl Fencing

vinyl fence manufacturers

If you have decided to shop for a new fence, consider getting vinyl fencing from Duramax Fences. We are one of the most reputed vinyl fence manufacturers in the US. Vinyl fences are the most sought-after fencing type among Americans, and there are multiple good reasons for that. 

Here, we will discuss some surprising facts about vinyl fences, which will help you make an informed and smart decision while shopping for a fence. So, let’s start. 

Vinyl is a type of plastic 

Plastic is generally used as a generic term encompassing different materials, from zip lock bags made from thin plastic to pipes and fences made from hard plastic. It must be pointed out here that vinyl is actually the short form of polyvinyl chloride, a.k.a. PVC. Vinyl is used on a large scale to manufacture fences, pipes, windows, and other construction elements, making it the world’s third-most common type of plastic. 

Vinyl was invented way back in the 1800s 

You will be shocked to know that although vinyl fences have gained much traction over the last couple of decades, vinyl has been there for more than 100 years. The invention of vinyl is attributed to Eugene Baumann, a German chemist, in 1872. Baumann was working on a different project when he accidentally left a tube of compounds under direct sunlight. When he returned to the tube after some time, he discovered a white substance inside the tube. He had created vinyl unwittingly.

Vinyl is dog-friendly 

If you want pet-friendly fencing material, vinyl fencing is the way. These are made from solid panels that are difficult for dogs to climb. Also, vinyl fences are not stained or painted. This frees you from the risk of your dog ingesting toxic compounds as they have a habit of chewing fences. 

Also, the vinyl material ensures a smooth texture, something that goes a long way in ensuring that the dogs won’t irritate or cause hot spots while rubbing their body against the fences, a phenomenon that is pretty common with wooden or chain link fences. Our vinyl fences are lead-free, non-toxic, chemical-resistant and all of these features make vinyl pet-friendly as well.

Vinyl has several unknown uses 

Vinyl is more versatile than people perceive it to be. Besides being a necessary material in the construction industry, it also has wide applications in manufacturing faux-leather clothing and other water-resistant clothing. Vinyl also finds wide applications in the healthcare industry. The plastic tubing used to collect urine and blood samples is vinyl. You will also find ropes with vinyl coating in the aerospace industry. 

Vinyl is fire-safe 

The biggest fear of homeowners about fences is that the fences might get struck by lightning or a fire starting that can spread to the home interiors. Well, not anymore. Supremely engineered vinyl fences purchased from Duramax, the reputed vinyl fence manufacturer are made from high-quality, virgin PVC material. We can help you lead a risk and worry-free ownership experience like none other. The melting point of good-quality vinyl is around 900°F, and thus would not ignite easily. 

Vinyl fencing is virtually maintenance-free 

All the different types of fencing materials available on the market require some maintenance, whether scraping, staining, or painting. However, that’s different from vinyl. Vinyl fences aren’t impervious to moisture but would not chip or peel over the years. 

So far as maintenance is concerned, a gentle wash with a hose is enough to maintain its pristine look. If you accidentally applied paint on vinyl fences or spoil it with graffiti, a pressure wash would eradicate the marks. 

Reasons for choosing Duramax Vinyl Fences

While there are plenty of fences in the market, vinyl fences are the most popular, and there are good reasons for that. Normally vinyl fences are made from thinner and cheaper materials that warp, crack, and break easily. This is why Duramax ensures that the fences are made from a DuraResin vinyl formulation, ensuring it does not warp in heat or crack in the cold. Our high-quality fences are made from 100% virgin vinyl and raw PVC resin. Duramax Fences have the highest-rated UV resistance and impeccable weatherability. Our fences can withstand the extreme heat of the southwest sun without warping or cracking. The high-quality vinyl fences have over 12 parts of titanium dioxide and UV inhibitors, making them exceptionally strong and weather-resistant. You will never find our fences turning yellow, losing their luster, or fading. Duramax fences come with a transferable limited lifetime warranty and are designed keeping longevity in mind.

The other good reason for choosing Duramax Fences is that they are made from thicker vinyl sheets that make them sturdy and resilient. When you install vinyl fences with thicker walls, then you don’t have to deal with problems like fences that are sagging, breaking, cracking, or falling apart. Duramax fences are the most ideal as they are versatile, affordable, and available in a variety of colors.

Final Take: 

We won’t blame you if you are wary of installing a vinyl fence. After all, when you first talk about a fence, wooden material comes to mind. Wooden or metal fences are quite popular and are used by many. Unfortunately, both these fence materials are not as long-lasting as they claim to be – wood starts to rot, and the metal fences start to rust after a few months. Maintaining a wooden or a metal fence would mean that you have to spend long hours on its maintenance which gets costly and time-consuming. This is one of the reasons why Americans are now considering installing a vinyl fence that’s low maintenance and comparatively more durable than the rest. A vinyl fence comes with plenty of advantages and is an asset.

As you have a fairly good idea about vinyl, you can explore the wide range of styles and colors of vinyl fences and shop at Duramax. We are one of the most reputed vinyl fence manufacturers in the US with over 20 years of industry experience and expertise. Book a free consultation now. Request a no-obligation quote.

How To Keep Vinyl Fences Clean With Household Products?

vinyl fence

Did you know you can clean vinyl fences and regain their pristine look by applying certain household products like bleach and vinegar? Duramax’s supremely engineered vinyl fences are designed to be low maintenance, look great to boot, and DIY installation is affordable. However, just like any other fence materials, vinyl fences tend to get dirty and call for occasional cleaning. The good news is that you need not spend a fortune on cleaning and maintaining vinyl fences. Your household cleaning products are enough to keep your fences looking fresh and new for months.

Here, we will discuss six effective methods that will make cleaning vinyl fences a breeze. 

How to Clean Vinyl Fences?

Different household products like vinegar, soap, and even bleach can come in handy for cleaning vinyl fences. 

Our exquisite vinyl fences can boost the aesthetic appeal of your backyard or lawn like never before and are pretty low-maintenance as well. So, far as maintenance is concerned, they only require occasional cleaning, as they don’t tend to get dirty quickly. Here, we have mentioned some effective methods you can use to clean them. Let’s take a look at them. 

Garden Hose: If your vinyl fence is not enveloped with a thick layer of mildew or mold and is only slightly dirty, cleaning the vinyl fences with a garden hose would be wise. A household garden hose would best fit the role. 

The Step-by-Step Procedure Set your garden hose to the spray mode. A high-pressure nozzle fitted in the hose can more efficiently remove grime and dust from the fence. 

Point the jet of the hose towards the fence top and start cleaning it upside down. Doing this will remove any rain, mud discoloration, superficial grime, and dust from the fence. 

Next, use a cleansing cloth to dry wipe the fence and thus regain its pristine look. 

Common Soap and Water: One of the best methods of vinyl fence cleaning among many fence owners is to use good old soap and water to clean them. If applied on a regular basis, soap, and water can remove most dirt stains from our vinyl fences. 

The Step-by-Step Procedure 

Take around a gallon of water and mix one tablespoon of dish soap with it. 

After that, it is advisable to take a hose with a pre-fitted nozzle and gently spray the mixture on the vinyl fence.

The stubborn stains can be easily removed from the vinyl fences by cleaning with a clean microfiber cloth. Post this, rinse it with clean water. 

Vinegar: Vinegar is a very good and effective DIY fence cleaner. This common household material can work wonders in giving your fence a pristine look. 

The Step-by-Step Procedure

Mix 1 ½ cups of white vinegar with about one gallon of water in a bucket. You can also add dishwashing soap to this mixture. This combination can be highly effective if the vinyl fence has little dirt. 

If the vinyl fence has accumulated layers of dust over the years, mix more vinegar into the water. Adding concentrated acetic acid to the mixture can also reap fruitful results. Here, you should note that too much vinegar can damage your vinyl fence. 

Next, take a washing cloth, dip it in the solution, and use it to remove stains from the fence. You can also take a nozzle where you can fill this mixture and spray it all over the fence. 

Now, take a bucket of water and wipe off the solution from the vinyl fence thoroughly. 

Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach: This is another good tried, and tested method of cleaning vinyl fences that do work. However, you should only use bleach on vinyl fences if the stains are stubborn and can’t be removed easily. 

You should always use bleach that is hydrogen-peroxide based and not one that is chlorine-based. This is because the former not just reap better results but is eco-friendly as well. 

The Step-by-Step Procedure 

As per the CDC recommendation, you should use a 16:1 ratio of bleach and water for cleaning purposes. This is the ideal ratio for removing fungus and mold from vinyl surfaces. One cup of bleach in a gallon of water can help achieve the desired ratio. 

You can pour this mixture inside a spray bottle or a pump to clean your fence. Take a brush to remove the stubborn stains. Finally, rinse off the fence with clean water. 

Use A Pressure Washer: If your vinyl fence is spotless, you can use a pressure washer to clean it. This device is known for cleaning surfaces in half the time that is needed for other methods and thus can be one of your best investments. 

You will find different types of pressure washers available on the market. While some run on electricity, some are gas-powered. Choose one that suits your purpose best. 

The Step-by-Step Procedure

It is advisable to use the nozzle-type of pressure washer for water ejection. Begin with a small portion of the fence, and clean it upside down.

Hold the nozzle 3 feet away from the vinyl fence firmly and direct the beam of water in a perpendicular direction.Make sure first to wet the fence, post which you can add cleaning solutions to the washer, and spray the fence with it.

The washing solution should sit on your fences for at least three to four minutes to dissolve the grime and dirt properly. You might have to scrub the fence off with a washcloth if it has stubborn stains.

Using a bristle brush can come in handy. Now, switch the pressure washer to rinse mode and rinse the fence with clean water upside-down. 

Final Take: 

The aforementioned techniques can go a long way in maintaining the pristine look of vinyl fences. If you are planning on installing top-notch vinyl fences, you are in the right place. We at Duramax offer a wide range of vinyl fence designs, like vinyl pool fences, vinyl ranch rail fences, vinyl privacy fences, vinyl semi-privacy fences, vinyl wall toppers, and others, at highly affordable rates. Check out the different options available and choose one that suits your needs and preferences the best.

We also take orders for customized vinyl fences. Place your order today, and we will ensure shipping in approximately two weeks. Ask for a free quotation now.

Choose Duramax Fences for Your Fencing Needs in The USA

Low Maintenance Fencing

Are you willing to make your home get an elegant touch? If so, let us wish you all the best. It is your house & you have all the rights to apply the Midas touch over it. But we would like to add something more to your list. To keep your property safe & secure, all you can do is get in touch with a professional vinyl fencing manufacturer in the USA. 

Proper fencing around the property increases the aesthetic appeal, and the amount of security also increases. Of course, applying chromatic paint and putting up alluring décor is always appreciated, but never forget to install affordable vinyl fences all across your property.

Why Duramax Fences Are the Ideal Choice for Your USA Fencing Requirements

Duramax is one of the most reputed vinyl fence manufacturers in the USA. Over the years, it has been a prowess to have delivered top-notch services, which are already well appreciated. The fencing experts working with us are experienced and are ready to take up stiff challenges.

They are active & agile, ensuring that you receive the best service in town. We have never compromised with our quality & we make sure that all our products are tested before it reaches the customer. Let us now examine the advantages you are supposed to get from us. 

Read it on & learn more :

Our Fences Are Easy To Install & Clean – If you are looking for a hassle-free option, you can always have trust & patience with us. Our fences are easy to install as it does not require any screws or brackets. At the same time, the cleaning procedure is easy as well. Just a simple mop with a piece of cloth is more than enough. The vinyl that is being applied is thick and is tailored to keep the fences clean. As a result, the fence remains smooth, and there are no chances of termites and bacteria getting accumulated in the base of the panel.

Our Fences Are ASTM-tested – Our fences are tested before reaching the customers. We ensure that all our fences are ASTM F964 tested. We never compromise with our quality parameters, and we aim to keep up our reputation in the market. You can trust it in a blindfolded manner, & we would not disappoint you going further.

Our Fences Are Perfectly Engineered – Our fences are engineered for the hot southward sun. The DuraResin vinyl formulation is designed to withstand the hot sun. With the 12 parts of Titanium Dioxide and the UV inhibitors, Duramax has the highest weather ability. Do not worry about the fence turning yellow, as the fences will remain in position at least for a couple of decades or more. So you will not have to spend anything extra on painting in the days to come. 

Currently, we are offering free samples for you to test our product before you buy fencing. Avail it today.

Get a quote today.

Connect With Top Vinyl Fence Manufacturers for Installing an Affordable Vinyl Fencing

Buy Vinyl Fence

Did you know that vinyl fences are one of the favorite fencing materials used in America? The premium quality vinyl fences have gained huge acceptance due to the innumerable benefits that come along. Duramax is one of the leading vinyl fence manufacturers with years of experience to provide American homes, yards, and farms with high-quality, visually appealing fences and excellently serve as a protective shield for the property.

Vinyl is widely used as fencing material, made from the same plastic used in white plastic plumbing pipes. Some vinyl fence manufacturers and suppliers now stock affordable vinyl fencing components and pre-assembled fence panels in a limited range of colors and designs. The first PVC fences were just white panels with shiny surfaces—not very natural looking—but now additional colors are available, including brown wooden tones. Some vinyl fencing is now even textured to resemble wood. Nowadays, nearly any fencing style can be constructed in PVC. The material ranges from ranch-style rails to New England pickets or tall solid-panel privacy fences.

Here are a few of the reasons you need to invest in vinyl fencing

Durability is the biggest reason

Vinyl fences are extremely durable, and it’s very evident for their waterproof nature. However, Duramax fences are better than ordinary vinyl fences. It’s because Duramax Fences manufacture the fence-line with thicker vinyl sheets. Thicker vinyl eliminates the problems of vinyl sagging, warping, cracking, and breaking. While other manufacturers build the fences with external brackets and unsightly screws, Duramax vinyl fences have a strong routing and interlocking system to hold the fence panels together in a fixed position. In addition, Duramax manufacturers do not use external hardware, which also helps maintain the visual aesthetics of the fences. Vinyl fences are easy to maintain. No deep cleaning is necessary to maintain the color of the fences. Just washing the fences with a garden hose and sponge is good enough to make the stain-resistant fences last long.

Easier to keep clean

A periodic rinse with a garden hose is all it takes to banish dirt from a vinyl fence panel. Wood fences will likely need power washing and possibly cleaners more frequently as their porous nature makes them more sensitive to mold and mildew. But, on the other hand, vinyl fence panels do not accumulate dirt and mold that much. It will take less of your time on its cleaning and maintenance. You must also keep the color in mind. White shows dirt more, so vinyl may be your best bet if you want white.

Weather resistivity is an added asset

Vinyl fences are resistant to the weather. Duramax vinyl fencing manufacturers give the fences an extra punch by investing in the DuraResin vinyl formulation. The formulation makes the fences stronger with the highest rated UV stability and weatherability. Over 12 parts of Titanium Dioxide and strongly potent UV inhibitors get used to manufacture strong fences that can withstand the intense heat from the sun. Duramax fences have passed the wind test of 105mph and can sustain heavy rainfall, strong winds, thunderstorms, and ice-storms. The impact-resistant vinyl fences are the ideal choice for your property.

Wood-grained fencing

Some Americans still love wooden fences. The charm of a wooden fence on your property is breathtaking. However, the problem lies that the wooden fences are not durable enough to serve you for the longest time. Wooden fences attract termites and are biodegradable. The good news is that Duramax has an alternative. Duramax has developed unique DuraGrain fences that look and feel like wood yet have cellular vinyl. The cell structure of vinyl makes the DuraGrain fences more durable, weather-resistant, and easy to maintain – just like vinyl. DuraGrain is a wood-grained fence that comes in various colors with the rich look of wood. These fences require very little maintenance and last for years without fading, warping, or sagging issues. DuraGrain fence is a beautiful traditional fence serving a lifetime of carefree performance. This wood-grained fence has the cellular configuration of vinyl, making them waterproof, durable, and weather-resistant, unlike real wood. The saddest part of wooden fences is that they are high maintenance and do not last long. If you still like the appeal of wood, then it would be a great call to switch to DuraGrain fences. The easy-to-maintain DuraGrain fence is ideal for traditional homes.

Reasons to choose Duramax

Many property owners do not wish to invest in a new fence for monetary issues. However, they seldom forget that a fence does not only look good but adds value and security. Any fence structure encloses the property and offers privacy to the owner. A good gate structure might also do the same job, but a fence line demarcates the boundary you should not cross. However, if you are worried about the expenditure, it’s time to check out the vinyl fences at Duramax. Good quality vinyl fences are not cheap, but they are extremely durable, low maintenance, and come at an affordable rate – this offer should not be missed. Here are a few reasons why you should make most of the sale.

The vinyl fence is lucrative as the fencing line lasts for more than a decade. Duramax fences have a strong routing and interlocking fence system. No external hardware is used to build the fence. Forget external brackets and unsightly screws as Duramax emphasizes strong fences that are visually appealing. Moreover, Duramax fences get manufactured with thick vinyl sheets to eliminate breaking, warping, and sagging problems.

Why Duramax?

Want a good fence within your budget? Then, don’t miss out on the vinyl fence from Duramax Fences. Duramax fences have a fully transferable limited lifetime warranty. In addition, the high-quality fences get customized to suit your property and preferences.

Book a free consultation today or request a quote today.

Buy Vinyl Fencing From The Best Vinyl Fence Manufacturer

Install Vinyl Fencing

Are you thinking of increasing the elegance of your house? If so, let us congratulate you, and we are sure your property will become the cynosure of all eyes. Maybe you have thought of putting up alluring decors all across your room and chromatic paints on the exterior walls. But have you ever thought of installing durable fences? Buy vinyl fencing that can increase the aesthetic look of your house and provide security to your family.

To be honest, the ranch rail fence will increase the security in your home and create an aesthetic appeal. So get in touch with us and let us do the needful for you. We at Duramax are ready to help you out as and when required. But, before talking about the vinyl fence qualities, we would like to have a word or two about our company so that you gain confidence in us. 

We are a professional fence manufacturer & installer that have successfully lived up to the expectation of all & sundry. Our professionals are experienced, and they have made tremendous progress for us over the years. We have received accolades from several, and we would like to continue with the good task in the days to come. Let us now discuss key advantages that you can avail yourself of from us.

Benefits of Choosing Vinyl Fencing from the Best Vinyl Fence Manufacturer

Fences are manufactured to withstand extreme weather conditions

Are you looking ahead to a durable option? If so, then you can always have faith in us. These fences are tailored for the powerful southward sun. The DuraResin vinyl formulation is designed to withstand the hot southward sun rays. With over 12 parts of titanium dioxide and UV inhibitors, Duramax fences have the highest rated UV stability. In addition, the vinyl being used is thick and ideal for the long run.

Our fences are quite easy to clean

If you seek a hassle-free option, you can always come up to us. Our fences are manufactured by applying thick vinyl fences. These types of vinyl are ideal for making the surface smooth. There are no chances of bacteria and termites getting accumulated in the fences. The fences will not peel, and you will not have to pay anything extra for painting.

Ideal for the long run

Buy vinyl fencing that is valued for money as it can be recyclable and comes with a lifetime limited warranty. Duramax fences are resistant to excessive heat, cold, and water (rain), making them suitable for all seasons. In addition, Duramax fences are of good quality and do not become yellow with time. Duramax has the strongest UV stability and weatherability of any vinyl in the market today, with more than 12 parts Titanium Dioxide and UV inhibitors. Today’s fencing industry meets only the basic requirements, but our Duramax fences exceed ASTM F964 standards.

Duramax has proved its worth over the past 20 years by supplying high-quality products to its buyers. It is a 20-year-old company known for manufacturing top-quality, durable fences. The Duramax fences have comparatively thicker walls ensuring the fences do not break, deform, break or fall off over time. Sadly, the fences with thinner walls often fail to stand the test of time. That’s why Duramax fences have thicker walls and a strong routing system to interlock the fence panels together.

Get a quote today.

The worth of a vinyl fence – beautifies and increases the value of your property

vinyl fencing manufacturers

A vinyl fence can increase the value of your property. If a new vinyl fence boosts the marketability of a property, buyers would be willing to spend more for a property. The ill effects on the economy are slowly fading out that took their peak during the pandemic. It is time to indulge in home improvement. It is time to replace the old fence made from wood or metal and install a vinyl fence. Do you think it is worth investing in a vinyl fence? Vinyl is a long-lasting material. A fence made from PVC can last for at least 20-25 years without heavy repairs and maintenance. The long life of vinyl fences makes it most homeowner’s favorite.

You can choose to install a vinyl fence and forget about repainting

Wooden and metal fences require heavy maintenance and repainting. Vinyl colorful fences make your property stand out from the rest. You can choose to install subtle white fences that have sheer elegance and look chic. The white fences do not turn yellow or get tinted with time. Only vinyl white fences retain their whiteness and do not require extra cleaning or repainting. Cleaning the fences requires no additional costs because no daily cleaning is needed. Wipe the fence posts occasionally with a damp cloth and detergent. You can wash the fences rarely or whenever you wish because there is no fear of moisture seepage.

Shop for fences online – An interactive website for you

Shop for Duramax fences online from our website and you can enjoy shopping sitting at home or from your workplace. We have a whole inventory of a variety of fences that includes scallop fences, privacy, perimeter, picket, classic, semi-privacy fences, ranch rails and more. So invest a little more and choose a beautiful vinyl fence that would require no further repair or replacement costs. 

Consult with our team

Do you wish to calculate the measurement and cost of the vinyl fence that you require to install? There is a fencing calculator on the Duramax website from where you can get an easy estimate. 

Duramax is one of the most experienced vinyl fencing manufacturers in the USA. Discuss your project and customize according to your budget, style preference and considering requirements—request for a quote. 

Duramax vinyl fencing manufacturers get you premium quality fence for your yard

virgin vinyl fence

An old or broken fence can ruin the entire look of your property. Building a new fence is a good decision, but you need to plan and think before taking prompt action. Fences should be a one-time investment that can change the entire ambiance of the place. A fence stands out for all the right reasons, yet protects your property by stopping intruders from entering the private space. Duramax vinyl fence manufacturers can provide you with varied styles and designs of fences that complement the property’s look yet serve the purpose excellently. Here are a few things you need to know before ordering the perfect fence for your property from the reputed vinyl fencing manufacturers.

Vinyl fences are forever – Yes, almost!

Duramax vinyl fences have a reputation for being highly durable and last for years with no repairs, repainting, or replacements. It’s because the high-quality fences made with 100% virgin vinyl offer exceptional strength and durability. In addition, vinyl fence manufacturers use thicker vinyl sheets to manufacture premium quality fence panels. Thicker sheets eliminate problems like warping, sagging and cracking of the fences that are faced when the manufacturer uses thinner sheets and low-quality vinyl material. As a result, Duramax fences stand tall for many years due to the use of good quality and the purest form of virgin vinyl.

Not only that – Duramax fences do not have external hardware and unsightly screws that break, crack, discolor and make the fences fall over time. The Duramax vinyl fencing is manufactured with a strong routing and interlocking system that firmly holds the fences panels together in a fixed place. Although vinyl may be lightweight and made from plastic, but Duramax vinyl fences have passed the wind test of 105mph and can withstand heavy thunderstorms, rainfall and ice storms. The waterproof fences are easy to clean and install.

Love wooden fences – Come to Duramax

Some people cannot get over wooden fences. However, the sad part is that wooden fences don’t last long enough for you to flaunt the rich royal look of wood. Is there an alternative? Yes, Duramax has Duragrain fences that look exactly like wood and feels the same. The only difference is that the Duragrain fence is not real wood. It’s a wood-grained fence with the cellular configuration of vinyl, which means that the fences might appear like wood, but have the strength, durability and sustainability of vinyl fences. Although vinyl is a plastic material, but they are highly weather-resistant and can sustain the intense heat from the sun, cold weather and heavy rainfall. Wooden fences start rotting within a few months, whereas vinyl lasts for years with very little maintenance.

Final words

Did you know vinyl fences are pet-friendly, non-toxic and lead-free? The high-quality fences at Duramax are recyclable and come with a fully transferrable limited lifetime warranty. In addition, we offer custom-made fences that add appeal to your property and also protect your personal space. Book a free one-to-one consultation with us to know more about the fences’ styles, design, and color code we can offer you. Request a quote now.

The perks of investing in a vinyl fence – everything you should know

vinyl fence manufacturers

Are you already planning to beautify your property before this Christmas? There is a lot to do, including painting the interior, cleaning the garden, painting the exterior, and installing a new fence. A fence not only beautifies your property but also adds security. In this blog, we will explain why it is important to look for renowned vinyl fence manufacturers.

Various types of fencing materials are available in the wood, metal, vinyl, farm, aluminum, and chain-link. But vinyl is the most popular among those. A fence made of other materials will not be able to endure what a vinyl fence does. This is one of the top reasons why vinyl fences are gaining popularity. You should do adequate research while searching for a premium fencing company.  

Are you fond of colorful fences?

Adding colors to your yard can lift your mood and make your property look charming. We manufacture fences of different colors and you can choose the shades that match your property. The colors will not fade when the fences are exposed to various weather conditions. You can choose pastel shades like yellow, blue, green, and red…etc. You can also opt for colors like tan, beige, and white. The color never fades, so no re-painting is required. For example, a white fence looks very elegant and will not turn yellowish with years.

Beautiful and recyclable fences

Duramax vinyl fences are made from non-toxic material, they are eco-friendly and recyclable. The products are beautiful, have a traditional look and offer carefree performance. The fences have a secure routing system that ensures performance. Also, they have no visible screws or brackets on their body that can spoil the look of the fences. 

Low maintenance fences

Vinyl fences do not require heavy or regular maintenance. Wash the fences occasionally to keep them clean, and do not worry about water seepage. Vinyl fences do not soak moisture, and they have a smooth surface that does not attract impurities or bacteria. Wipe the fences once every fortnight to keep them clean. 

Premium quality and certified fences

Quality is our priority; all the fences have a quality-assurance seal. Duramax fences are ASTM-certified and made from premium quality virgin vinyl. In addition, Duramax fences are certified by recognized organizations, including the American Fence Association and the US Chamber of commerce. 

Customized vinyl fencing solution

Duramax has been manufacturing customized fences for more than 20-25 years. We are among the top vinyl fencing manufacturers in the USA. Our fences’ installation is inexpensive and does not involve any hassle. You can also try a DIY installation with the help of an expert local contractor for a seamless and quick vinyl fence installation.

Duramax has manufactured fences for many property owners. We have experts to help you in deciding what fence type you must install. Book a free consultation with the experts and invest in a modern vinyl fence. You can order fences online from the Duramax website. Check the website, choose free consultation, and ask for a free sample. Reach us at 800-483-4674 to know more about Duramax fences. 

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The popularity of vinyl fences in the USA – Install yours soon

vinyl fencing manufacturers

Vinyl fences are extremely popular in the USA because property owners are constantly looking for long-lasting fences. Unfortunately, wooden fences and metal fences are easily damaged by the effects of moisture and extreme weather conditions. A fence endures all weather conditions which demands timely maintenance. But still, wooden fences tend to rot easily, and metal fences rust with moisture. 

After rigorous research, the fence industry introduced vinyl fences which are gradually replacing wooden and metal fences. Will a wooden fence last for 20 years in great condition? You need to spend a huge chunk on maintenance and repairs. Vinyl fences are a huge relief for homeowners who are looking for beautiful and affordable fences. Get a customized vinyl fence from one of the well-known vinyl fence manufacturers in your locality. 

Vinyl  certified fences in the USA

Duramax ranks on the top among the vinyl fencing manufacturers in the USA. We have been designing modern fences for more than 20 years. We are renowned for manufacturing premium quality fences in the USA. Vinyl fences are made from 100% pure vinyl which makes the fences more durable and resistant. The fences are ASTM-certified and allow quick installation. Duramax fences are non-toxic and eco-friendly. All the fences are sent for quality-check before it is shipped to your website. 

Add colorful fences and add life to your property

Duramax fences are super affordable. They are manufactured inside our manufacturing unit in the USA. Moreover, the fences are recyclable and do not contain any toxic ingredients. Hence, the fences are safe for kids and pets. 

Duramax vinyl fences are available in different interesting color shades. Adding colors makes your yard look interesting and lifts the mood. The fences require no repainting, so there are no fearing recurring expenses. Also, a white picket fence is archetypal and looks aesthetic. Install a white fence from Duramax, one of the top vinyl fence manufacturers in the USA, and it will never turn yellowish. 

Vinyl fences that look like wooden ones – A favorite

Vinyl is used to design fences of various sizes, shapes, types, and colors. According to fence experts, a vinyl fence is 5 times durable and long-lasting than wood or any other material. But many clients have a fetish for wooden fences because of the rustic look and feel. Duramax brings the DuraGrain range where we manufacture vinyl fences that look similar to wood in all aspects. As a result, we have a huge customer base for this fence type. 

Simple fence maintenance

The fences have a smooth surface that does not attract moisture or impurities. Vinyl fences do not require rigorous cleaning and daily maintenance. Wipe the fences or wash down with water occasionally. 

Find a local contractor for installation

A vinyl fence installation is a simple and inexpensive procedure. Many companies in the USA perform vinyl fence installation, and most of the renowned contractors find installing a Duramax fence very simple. We are among the most renowned vinyl fencing manufacturers in the USA. 

Reach us for a customized vinyl fencing solution

We manufacture stylish fences, including privacy and semi-privacy fences, scallop fences, picket fences, perimeter fencing, pool fences, ranch rail, and more. It is time to indulge in home improvement activity, invest in vinyl fences, and not repent. Discuss your fencing project requirements with us. Book a free consultation and request a quote.

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